/ Aquiles Carattino, PhD

Physicist, Entrepreneur, and everything in between

Deep thinker, with a passion for building solutions to the most complex problems.

I am open to new challenges and opportunities. Contact me.


I believe in the power of using methods developed in physics labs to address the fascinating problems arising from biology, biotechnology, and medicine. I have a strong background in optics, microscopy, and instrumentation. Currently, I have been fascinated by the emergence of extracellular vesicles


I have a passion for understanding how the world works, and how technology can shape the future. I have a broad range of interest, from scientific instruments to software development. One of my strengths is combining knowledge from very different domains.


Translating basic science and technologies to real-world applications requires the creation of new ventures. I am interested in understanding alternative business models and supporting scientists who want to become entrepreneurs


Latest essays I've written

These are the latest articles I have written on this website. To learn more about what is at the top of my mind, check my digital garden.

Some of my projects

Work I am proud of

I have a broad range of interests, from scientific entrepreneurship to digital gardening. Below you can find some of the things I have done or that I am currently doing.

Have a project in mind? Let's work together

I am always open to discussing exciting opportunities and challenges. Do you have an idea and you need a sparring partner? Do you need advice on your next big startup? Or you just want to have a chat?

I am a scientist and an entrepreneur. I launched a high-tech company based on research done at the University of Leiden. Developed both products and the business, focusing on extracellular vesicles.

After completing my PhD, I began looking for alternative careers. I started my own project developing software and organizing workshops. I joined an incubator and learned what it takes to get started in the challenging world of scientific entrepreneurship.

I am an avid learner, I like exploring ideas, building teams, and finding solutions to complex problems.

Get In Touch With Me

Use the form to quickly reach out to me. I am always looking forward to having meaningful conversations, especially around topics such as scientific entrepreneurship, software instrumentation, and open-source.